super lazy time of the year ----- the pier at the beach
Right now so many things are going on in my mind, if I were to put in words, I would probably run out of alphabets. But as usual I am not the one to take the baton and begin the marathon. I am kind of lazy per se, but this time laziness and all its adverbs have caught upon me. This has been a hurdle all my life, but now looks like I have been beaten by it. I have raced laziness so many times, but now am seriously no mood to beat it. I am risking a chance to see what is the worse that can happen if I am lazy. I have seen hordes of people do nothing all their lives and nothing has ever happened to them I mean in a wrong or bad sort of way. If there are not many posts coming up in this blogspot means I am being captured by the laziness infection syndrome and will probably never recover in time. If this post is almost to the length of super slim model's bikini then everyone can probably guess the kind of flu I have.
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